California Rangers Rules & By-Laws

Sloughhouse, CA

Rules & Regulations
1. SASS rules apply
2. .22 rimfire for buckaroos/buckarettes only
3. Match fees $17, $12 for Members; Juniors free (under 18)
4. Ear and eye protection required
5. NRA and SASS membership required for membership
6. Annual members pay dues by calendar year
7. Founding members will pay no further dues
8. No alcohol will be consumed on the range while shooting is in progress
9. All shooting will be toward the back berm
10. No cans, bottles or other trash shall be used as targets except for DDCT /FSC approved items used in shotgun poppers
11. Minors under the age of 18 must be under the direct supervision of a responsible adult
12. Ranger members in good standing who are also FSC voting members may use DDCT for practice if they sign in at office and are accompanied by another person
13. For the annual elections, voting may be done on the Internet after proper distribution of ballots by mail at least two weeks before the November election
14. Regular quarterly meetings may be held just before the start of a monthly match if business warrants it.

See also the range rules of the Folsom Shooting Club.

Club By-Laws

The name of the organization is the California Rangers. It is a California Non-Profit Corporation functioning as a cowboy action-shooting club (herein called the Corporation).

The objective of this organization shall be the encouragement of organized rifle, pistol, and shotgun action type competition, using the weaponry that was available prior to 1900 or replicas thereof.

Further, while engaging in this sport, competitors are expected to dress the part i.e. all hats, boots, leather gear and other old west accouterments as described in the SASS handbook. Part of the purpose is to recreate and enjoy the days of the old west, while still enjoying our marksmanship sport.

Additionally, the emphasis is on fun rather than all out, win at any cost, competition. This is an opportunity to make friends, share an appreciation for the lore and legend of the most well known and unique period in American history including its equipment, dress and lifestyle. The spirit of the game is the philosophy that places old time values and their preservation ahead of the pressure of modern day life and everyday scramble to get ahead.

Section 1. The membership shall consist of Charter Members, who are Life Members and who pay a one-time fee of $250.00, Annual Members who pay dues each calendar year at a fee established by the Board, and Diamond DickÕs Cowboy Town Members, who are de facto members of every one of the Cowboy Action Shooting and Wild Bunch Action Shooting clubs sponsoring matches at the venue.
Section 2. Charter membership shall be restricted to twenty-one (21) members, who represent the number of original California Rangers. In order to maintain economic stability of the initial start-up funding, there is to be no return of the initial charter investment upon the death of either a charter or annual member.
Section 3. The Board shall fill any vacancy in the Charter Membership by selecting from the list of Associate Members desiring Charter Membership. The fee for the new Charter Member shall be $250.00.
Section 4. A Charter Member may, however, sell his or her membership on the open market. Annual Members, who are on the Waiting List For Charter Membership will have the right of first refusal to purchase an offer of Charter Membership, providing that they meet two (2) conditions: 1) That they meet the price of a valid outside offer (if any) and; 2) that they meet Board approval for Charter Membership.
Section 5. Qualifications for Annual Membership are as follows: 1) a candidate must be sponsored by a member in good standing and; 2) must be approved by the Board and; 3) a citizen of the United States and; 4) a member of the National Rifle Association (NRA) and; 5) a member of the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS).
Section 6. Charter investments and annual dues are strictly for the privilege of belonging to the California Rangers and will have no bearing or relevance in the setting of match or other participation fees. However, the California Rangers will always strive to foster advantages for its members.
Section 7. Charter Memberships may be extended to additional family participants upon payment of $100.00 and approval of the Board.
Section 8. Charter, Annual, and Diamond DickÕs Cowboy Town Members shall have identical privileges, such as but not limited to, use of shooting range and facilities and voting on all general membership issues. All Members in good standing may also serve on the Board.

Section 1. The Corporate Officers (herein called Officers) shall consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Territorial Governor and shall be duly elected by the general membership. Other than the duties described in RobertÕs Rules of Order and Article VII herein, any other Officer responsibilities shall be primarily determined by the President and the Board.
Section 2. The President may refer to the Officers as the executive staff and may call for meetings with them from time to time. Any actions by the executive staff are to be limited to carrying out policies and directions authorized by the Board. No action by any Officer or the executive staff is to exceed the authority, direction, or policies set forth by the Board.
Section 3. The Board of Directors (herein called the Board) shall consist of nine (9) members that shall include the aforementioned corporate Officers plus (4) members (herein called Directors) duly elected by the general membership. It shall be the responsibility of the Board to adopt an annual budget, Rules and Regulations, set general meeting schedules, and to set other policies and guidelines for the executive staff to execute. Budget items are not to be exceeded or deleted unless authorized by the Board.
Section 4. The Vice President shall fill a Presidential vacancy. All other vacancies in the Officer or Board positions, including a newly vacated Vice President position because of ascendancy, shall be filled by Presidential appointment with the consent of the Board. The appointments shall be for the unexpired term.
Section 5. The President, along with the consent of the Board, shall appoint a Range Officer. If the President deems necessary, he or she may appoint a Judge Advocate to rule upon motions, and other actions proposed during general membership or other corporate meetings.

Section 1. Regular Meetings. Regular Board meetings shall be held quarterly, or as needed should business transactions not warrant more frequent meetings. An annual schedule of the time, place and posting of regular Board meetings shall be established under the Rules and Regulations to be adopted by the Board. Distribution of the Rules and Regulations to the general membership shall constitute proper notification of regular Board Meetings.
Section 2. Special Meetings. Special Meetings of the Board may be called by the President by telephone, e-mail, fax or other written notice to the general membership at least 72 hours prior to said meeting and stating the subject or subjects to be discussed.
Section 3. Quorum. A majority of the number of Directors currently in office shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Every act performed or decision made at a duly held meeting in which a quorum of Directors is present, shall constitute an act of the Board. If enough Directors withdraw from a meeting, leaving less than a quorum, the meeting may continue with discussion of business but no further action by the Board may be taken.
Section 4. Open Meetings. All Board meetings shall be open to the general membership. However, the Board, by vote, may choose to limit discussion by the general membership.
Section 5. Telephone Meetings. Any Board meeting, regular or special, may be held by conference telephone, e-mail, or similar communication equipment, providing a sufficient quorum is established and all directors can clearly hear one another, or all officers and directors are included in the e-mail list. All electronic format meetings shall be open to the general membership but subject to the limitations under Section 2 of Article V. Explanation of the actions taken shall be distributed to the general membership within three (3) days after said meeting.
Section 6. Executive Session. The Board, with the approval of a majority of the quorum present, may adjourn to executive session and discuss and vote on matters of personnel and/or litigation in which the Board may become involved. The nature of the business to be discussed shall be announced in open session. Matters of discussion in executive session shall be generally noted in the Board Minutes. With the exception of general discussions on the subject matter or the development of legal strategies, all specific actions approved by the Board in executive session shall be announced in the reconvened open meeting and distributed to the general membership within three (3) days following said meeting. In a matter relating to the discipline of a member, the Board must meet in executive session if requested by the subject member; and the subject member shall be entitled to attend the executive session.
Section 7. Notice of Adjourned Meetings. Time and place to reconvene an adjourned meeting must be distributed to the general membership unless the meeting is adjourned for less then twenty-four (24) hours.
Section 8. Action Without Meeting. The Board may take actions without a meeting if a majority of the board members provide written, or e-mail consent to the actions proposed. The written consents shall be filed with the Minutes of the Board. If the Board takes a majority written consent, the actions must be distributed to the general membership within three (3) days following the actions taken.

Section 1. Regular Meetings. Regular meetings shall be held quarterly. The Board, with thirty (30) days written notice to the general membership, may hold semi-annual general membership meetings if the business to be transacted does not justify more frequent meetings. An annual schedule of time, place and posting of regular meetings shall be established in the Rules and Regulations to be adopted by the Board. Shooting events in themselves do not constitute a regular meeting. Regular meetings are open to all members in good standing.
Section 2. Notification of Regular Meetings. Distribution of the Rules and Regulations to each member shall constitute notification of regular meetings. The meetings may take place before or after a shooting event but not during the event.
Section 3. Actions Taken At Regular Meetings. All business matters that affect the corporation shall be open for discussion. At a regular meeting, any action previously taken by the Board may be overturned or modified by a vote of the general membership. Also, the general membership, by vote, may direct the Board to take certain actions.
Section 4. Quorum. Those members who are present and in good standing shall constitute a quorum providing that there are more Charter and Annual Members present than the number of officers present.
Section 5. Special Meetings. The President, providing that he or she gives seven (7) days notice, may call a special meeting of the general membership. Notice may be by telephone, e-mail, fax or any other expedient means of reaching the membership. Special Meetings should be reserved for handling unforeseen events, emergencies or seizing opportunities where quick action may be in the best interest of the corporation.

Section 1. President. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Corporation and shall, subject to the control of the Board, have the general powers of management usually vested in the office of the President of a California non-profit mutual benefit corporation, and shall have such powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Board or these By-laws. He or she shall preside at all meetings of the Board or general membership; shall see that orders and resolutions of the Board are carried out; shall sign all legal documents, such as but not limited to, contracts, leases, and other written instruments and shall be designated as one of the officers authorized to co-sign all checks and Board approved promissory notes. The President shall have authorization to spend up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) without prior approval of the board, but shall be held accountable to the board for all expenditures.
Section 2. Vice President. The Vice President shall act in the place and stead of the President in the event of the PresidentÕs absence, inability or refusal to act, and shall exercise such powers and discharge such duties as may be required by the Board.
Section 3. Secretary. The Secretary shall record the votes and keep at a place designated by the Board, the Minutes of all meetings and proceedings of the Board and the membership, and keep current records, including but not limited to, a roster of the membership together with their mailing and e-mail addresses, fax and telephone numbers; serve notice of all regular and special meetings of the Board and the general membership, and conduct all official correspondence pertaining to the preparation, filing and forwarding of all required reports; and shall perform such other duties as required by the Board.
Section 4. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be the Chief Financial Officer of the Corporation and shall receive and deposit in the appropriate bank accounts all monies of the Corporation and disburse such funds as authorized by the Board; shall be designated as one of the Officers authorized to co-sign all checks and promissory notes of the Corporation; keep proper books of accounts; prepare and distribute budgets and financial statements to the membership as required by the Board; and see to the preparation and distribution of all reportings and filings as required by the State of California and the Internal Revenue Service.
Section 5. Territorial Governor. The Territorial Governor shall be responsible for representing the Corporation at all appropriate meetings of SASS and other events and activities as designative by the Board; to report back to the Board and membership on all proposals, regulations or other such items being considered or adopted by SASS; to advise the President in the appointment of a Range Officer(s); to be responsible for setting the time and place for testing and approving the designation of Range Officers among the membership; and any other duties as designated by the President or the Board.
Section 6. Combined Offices. Only the positions of Secretary and Treasurer may be served by the same person.
Section 7. Delegation. If the Corporation reaches the size to require and financially support such an appointment, the Board may delegate any of the foregoing duties to a General Manager or managing agent employed by the Board.

Section 1. The President or the Board may appoint, temporary positions, committees and chairpersons to carry out functions or activities approved by the Board.
Section 2. Chairpersons shall serve at the pleasure of the President and members of committees shall serve at the pleasure of the chairperson of each respective committee. All committees shall keep written minutes of their proceedings, report their findings to the President or the Board and file their minutes with the secretary.
Section 3. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all appointed committees.
Section 4. Nomination Committee. The President with approval of the Board shall appoint a nomination committee of 5 members in good standing. No officer, notwithstanding the President as an ex-officio member, may serve on the nomination committee.
Section 5. This Nominating Committee shall be appointed prior to the September regular meeting. The committee is to seek out candidates and to prepare a list of qualified candidates to be presented at the September regular meeting for election by the membership.
Any member may nominate at the September meeting, by a motion and a second, a candidate to be added to the list of candidates up for election.

Section 1. The election of new officers shall be held annually at the November regular meeting of the general membership.
Section 2. All Officers shall be elected for a period of two years with staggered terms. The election of the President, Secretary, Territorial Governor, and one Director shall be held in even numbered years. The election for Vice President, Treasurer, and three Directors shall be held in odd numbered years.
Section 3. Officers and Directors shall be elected by a majority of votes cast by members in good standing. Procedures for balloting shall be contained in the Rules and Regulations adopted by the Board.
Section 4. The Board may adopt, under Rules and Regulations, procedures for, or prohibition of, the utilization of proxy votes or mail-in ballots.

Section 1. The Board by majority vote may discipline, suspend, or expel any member except a Director. Only the general membership, by two-thirds (2/3rds) vote of the members present, may discipline, suspend or expel a Director or reverse a disciplinary action taken by the Board.
Section 2. The Board under the Rules and Regulations shall adopt detailed procedures for any type action taken under Section 1 of this Article XI

Section 1. Rules and Regulations. The Board shall adopt a document entitled Rules and Regulations covering all procedures for operation indicated in these By-laws plus any other items not covered in these By-laws which in the opinion of the Board, affect the safe and orderly operation of this Corporation.
Section 2. The purpose of the Rules and Regulation is to provide the Board with a more detailed guideline for conducting the daily business of running the Corporation; and modifying the more detailed daily operating procedures without having to enter the more lengthy process of amending these By-laws; and a means of taking quicker action in adapting to changing laws or other governmental regulations; and to allow quicker action to be taken when safety is a factor.

Section 1. Any member, Director or Officer shall have the right to inspect the records of the Corporation. Any requested inspection shall be conducted during normal working hours. Reasonable time for record assembly must be considered when establishing the time and place for the inspection.
Section 2. Any requested inspection of records shall be done in accordance with the laws covering California Corporations. Rules for Inspections shall be contained in the Rules and Regulations adopted by the Board.

Section 1. Any member in good standing, by a motion and a second, may propose amendments to these By-laws but only at a regular meeting of the general membership and written notification of the proposed amendment to the membership at least ten (10) days prior to a regular meeting. After full discussion of the motion and any modifications thereto, the matter must be continued to the next regular meeting for action.
Section 2. The vote shall be taken at the next regular meeting providing there is a quorum present. Distribution of the final written amendment shall be given to each member present and a public reading of the same shall be given. Discussion of the proposed amendment shall be limited to 15 minutes total and then the vote must be taken. Approval of the proposed amendment shall require a majority vote.

Section 1. The Corporation may be dissolved by a majority vote of those present at a regular or special meeting of the general membership, providing there is a quorum.
Section 2. Upon proposed dissolution of the Corporation, for any reason, all governmental notifications are to be met and all debts are to be paid or otherwise satisfactorily resolved among affected parties.
Section 3. Any monies remaining after compliance with Section 2 of this Article XIV shall be distributed to a non-profit charity to be selected by a majority vote of the members present at a regular or special meeting. I hereby certify that the members of this Corporation in accordance with existing By-laws have duly adopted these amendments to the By-laws of the California Rangers, a California Non-Profit Corporation.